
US Navy Buys Textron Minesweeper System

The US Navy has awarded Textron Systems a contract of up to $106 million for Mine Sweeping Payload Delivery Systems (PDS).

The deal includes Mine Countermeasure Mission Package (MCMMP) PDS production, spare parts, and engineering services to support minesweeping and mine-hunting operations.

“The MCM mission package advances the Navy’s abilities with [unmanned surface vehicles], providing additional security for our sailors,” said David Phillips, Senior Vice President of Air, Land, and Sea Systems.

The PDS allows “the Navy to take integration one step further through production and fielding, resulting in a semi-autonomous solution,” he added.

Operational Capabilities

The MCMMP uses a towed acoustic generator and a magnetic cable to effectively target magnetic, acoustic, and magnetic-acoustic mines.

It is deployed through a Common Unmanned Surface Vehicle (CUSV) from ports, well decks, and littoral combat ships.

The vehicle can operate for over 20 hours while carrying a payload, moving at 20 knots (23 miles/37 kilometers per hour), maintaining stability, and minimizing pitch and roll even in rough sea conditions.

Minesweeping Systems

For the past 10 years, Textron has been developing complex systems to support US Navy minesweeping operations, conducting several tests to reach the operational capabilities of both unmanned systems and payloads.

Last year, the company won a $20 million contract to supply the US Navy with its Magnetic and Acoustic Generation Next Unmanned Superconducting Sweep system.

The agreement aimed to support the transition from traditional towed mine-sweep systems to next-generation ones.

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