The UK Ministry of Defence intends to procure new anti-tank mines from Alford Technologies to bridge capability gaps.
The procurement of GLADIUS User Filled Off Route Mine systems will enhance lethality through “defensive actions, offensive ambush, and sabotage,” a tender notice stated.
“This equipment will be used to support training, capability development, and to bolster NATO readiness and interoperability for operations,” it added.
The 1-million-pound ($1.23-million) contract is proposed for an early 2025 award for an approximate duration of three months, depending on production timelines.
GLADIUS Anti-Tank Mine
The user-filled mine allows the user to customize charges according to their mission requirements.
It features directional lethality or shaped charges designed to concentrate explosive energy in a desired direction for armor penetration.
Additional features include remote deployment, mobile transportation, and quick setup and recovery.
The mines are already operational with multiple elements of the UK Armed Forces and 11 other NATO nations.