
Royal Navy Receives Three Iver4 580 Underwater Vehicles From L3Harris

L3Harris has delivered three new Iver4 580 autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to the Royal Navy for unmanned mine-hunting and survey operations.

The vehicles will be assigned to the UK’s Mine Hunting Capability program and the Zulu Squadron.

They will support the navy’s operations under Project Wilton, which focuses on unmanned mine hunting and conducting route survey operations in the country and international waters to ensure safe commercial and military shipping navigation.

Following the delivery, the navy conducted a week of trials to train sailors on operating the Iver4 AUVs.


The Iver4 580 is an autonomous underwater vehicle weighing under 100 pounds (45 kilograms) and measuring 82 inches (2 meters).

The AUV is equipped with high-accuracy navigation sensors and advanced communication systems for surface tracking, detecting, and neutralizing underwater mines without putting sailors at risk.

Beyond mine detection, the Iver4 580 also supports intelligence gathering and anti-submarine warfare operations.

Designed to accommodate a full range of sensors while remaining compact, it allows operations at depths of up to 300 meters (984 feet).

The standard configuration includes side scan sonar, swath bathymetry, an inertial navigation system, and a sound velocity probe to ensure high-quality data collection.

The Iver4 580 is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, designed for easy field replacement. 

The vehicle has up to 18 hours of endurance, and it operates at speeds from 1 to 5 knots (1.15 to 5.7 miles/1.8 to 9.2 kilometers per hour) during transit, with a maximum sprint speed of 6 knots (6.9 meter/11 kilometers per hour).

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