
T-Mobile Joins 10-Year Wireless Service Support Initiative for US Military

The US Navy has selected telecommunications company T-Mobile to supply wireless services and associated equipment for US Department of Defense agencies in the next decade.

The decision is part of the navy’s “Spiral 4program to deliver and sustain network, data, hardware, and associated capabilities for military members and federal employees across America’s 50 states and US territories.

Throughout the initiative’s duration, the Pentagon will source corresponding technologies from a commercial consortium.

This group includes AT&T, Hughes Network Solutions, MetTel, Real Mobile, Verizon, and Widepoint in addition to T-Mobile.

‘Next-Level’ Support

T-Mobile wrote that Spiral 4’s coverage will build on the program’s previous iteration in 2017, in which the company also participated.

Among T-Mobile’s notable contributions was the 5G Advanced Network Solutions, a suite of modern 5G solutions, applications, and hybrid networks addressing the performance needs of users.

Moreover, the firm launched its Government Internet, a 5G-enabled wireless technology that can be deployed as a primary internet connection or as an unlimited backup for vital communication tasks.

T-Mobile said that the future works could also adapt the company’s ongoing framework with SpaceX, which combines the team’s satellite capabilities for broader, “near-universal” connectivity.

“The Spiral 4 contract award is a testament to T-Mobile’s leading 5G network and to our focus on building solutions that meet the critical needs of our government customers,” T-Mobile Government Sales VP David Bezzant stated

“With a cutting-edge product portfolio, a proven track record and a clear vision for the future, we’re ready to take government innovation to the next level. It’s an honor to serve those who serve this nation.”

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