Lockheed Martin has signed an agreement with the Polish Armaments Group (PGZ) to deliver MK 41 Vertical Launch Systems for three Polish Navy frigates.
The deal also includes the purchase of Extensible Launch System modules for the Common Anti-Air Modular Missile family of weapons.
Equipment received from the Direct Commercial Sale will be fitted onto Poland’s upcoming MIECZNIK-class frigates, which are expected to enter service by 2029.
PGZ has confirmed that each of the frigates will receive four launchers with eight chambers each.
Currently the most widely-used launcher in NATO’s fleet, the MK 41 VLS is a modular capability that can be integrated with various missiles, including the Evolved Sea Sparrow, Tomahawk Cruise Missile, Standard Missile 2, Standard Missile 3, Standard Missile 6 and Vertical Launch ASROC weapons.
Zawarliśmy dziś porozumienie z @LockheedMartin, od którego, w ramach DCS (Direct Commercial Sales) pozyskaliśmy dla
budowanych przez Konsorcjum PGZ-#MIECZNIK fregat system pionowego startu VLS Mk 41 wraz z modułami ExLS (Exstensible Launching System) dla rodziny pocisków CAMM. pic.twitter.com/9hjIpGXqRr
— Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa
(@PGZ_pl) February 1, 2024
Greenlit in 2021 under an 8-billion Polish zloty ($1.9 billion) contract, the MIECZNIK-class frigate program was established as part of Poland’s force modernization.
The frigates will be able to maintain speeds in excess of 28 knots (32 miles/52 kilometers per hour) and an endurance of 9,000 nautical miles (10,000 miles/17,000 kilometers).
The first of its class is being built at the Polish Navy Shipyard in Gdynia, northern Poland.