Turkey is set to begin mass production of its Hisar-O+ medium-range air defense system, according to İsmail Demir of the Defense Industries Authority.
Demir expressed his excitement on social media that the new missile system is proceeding to the next stage of development, sharing video of a Hisar-O+ missile striking a target.
“Two good news from Hisar! Hisar A+ system has been delivered with all its elements! Hisar O+, which destroys a high-speed target at long range and high altitude in warhead shooting, is going into mass production! Best wishes!” the official said in Turkish.
The country plans to utilize the new missile system against invading aircraft, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, helicopters, and air-to-ground missiles. It is designed to protect military bases, facilities, and troops against a variety of air threats.
Hisar-O+ Defense System
Developed by Turkish defense corporation Aselsan, the Hisar-O+ air defense system consists of a Fire Control Center, Missile Launch System, Medium Altitude Air Defense Radar, and Electro-Optical System. It also has Infrared Seeker Missiles and RF Seeker Missiles capable of reaching targets up to 25 kilometers (15 miles) away.
The technology can also detect and track targets, perform command and control and fire control functions autonomously, even in adverse weather conditions.
“Aselsan has developed an air defense concept providing effective air defense that provides the operation of distributed sensor systems and weapon systems in coordination against threats which are continuously increasing with growing technology,” the company stated.
Test Firing
Earlier this year, the Hisar-O+ medium-range air defense system completed its longest range and highest altitude test yet.
Demir announced that this upgraded version of the Hisar-O passed the test after making a direct hit on an air target. He thanked those who contributed to the production process, particularly two leading Turkish defense companies Aselsan and Roketsan, for developing the system.
HİSAR-A+ tesliminden sonra HİSAR-O+ Orta İrtifa Hava Savunma Sistemimiz en son atışında bugüne kadar ülkemizde yapılan en uzak menzil ve en yüksek irtifadaki testini, hava hedefini doğrudan vurup imha ederek başarı ile geçti.#MilliSavunmaHisar
#İstiklâlveİstikbâlimizİçin pic.twitter.com/tQi7Og7aUX
— İsmail Demir (@profismaildemir) March 9, 2021