nuclear arms

  • Jun- 2020 -
    22 June
    NuclearMarshall Billingslea, special presidential envoy for arms control, arrives for the US-Russia meeting at the Palais Niederoestereich in Vienna on June 22, 2020.

    US, Russia Hold Arms Talks With Little Hope of Accord

    The United States and Russia held talks in Vienna Monday on their last major nuclear weapons agreement with little prospect of an imminent agreement as tensions and differences mount over whether they see any value in arms control at all.

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  • 14 June
    NuclearDongfeng-41 intercontinental strategic nuclear missiles group China

    China, India Increasing Their Nuclear Arsenal, Doing Significant Modernization 

    Nuclear powers continue to modernize their arsenals, including India and China, researchers said Monday, warning that tensions were rising and the outlook for arms control was “bleak.” “The loss of key channels of communication between Russia and the USA… could potentially lead to a new nuclear arms race,” said Shannon Kile, director of the nuclear arms control program at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and co-author of the report. Russia and the US account for more than 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons. Kile was referring to the future of the New START treaty between the US and Russia, which is set to expire in February 2021. It is the final nuclear deal still in force between the two superpowers, aimed at maintaining their nuclear arsenals below Cold War levels. “Discussions to extend New START or to negotiate a new treaty made no progress in 2019,” the SIPRI researchers noted. At the same time, nuclear powers continue to modernize their weapons while China and India are increasing the size of their arsenals. “China is in the middle of a significant modernization of its nuclear arsenal. It is developing a so-called nuclear triad for the first time, made …

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