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EU Targets 1 Million Shells a Year as Ukraine Saps AmmoEU Targets 1 Million Shells a Year as Ukraine Saps Ammo

EU Targets 1 Million Shells a Year as Ukraine Saps Ammo

The EU will put forward a plan to boost its production capacity of artillery shells to one million a year…

Staff Writer With AFP
Colombia, ELN Guerrillas Say They Want a CeasefireColombia, ELN Guerrillas Say They Want a Ceasefire

Colombia, ELN Guerrillas Say They Want a Ceasefire

Colombia's government and the ELN guerrilla group affirmed a commitment to reaching a ceasefire agreement as they met in Havana…

Staff Writer With AFP
IS-Linked Rebels Kill 6 in DR Congo’s Troubled East: LocalsIS-Linked Rebels Kill 6 in DR Congo’s Troubled East: Locals

IS-Linked Rebels Kill 6 in DR Congo’s Troubled East: Locals

Rebels linked to the Islamic State group attacked a village in DR Congo's volatile east killing at least six people,…

Staff Writer With AFP
Denmark to Send NATO Battalion to Latvia in 2024Denmark to Send NATO Battalion to Latvia in 2024

Denmark to Send NATO Battalion to Latvia in 2024

Denmark will send a NATO battalion to Latvia next year to help support the Baltic state  following Russia's invasion of…

Staff Writer With AFP
UK-Led Fund Seeks Long-Range Missiles for UkraineUK-Led Fund Seeks Long-Range Missiles for Ukraine

UK-Led Fund Seeks Long-Range Missiles for Ukraine

A UK-led international fund is seeking to procure long-range missiles for Ukraine that can strike targets 100 to 300 kilometers…

Inder Singh Bisht
USAF Concludes Latest AMRAAM Configuration Audit MilestoneUSAF Concludes Latest AMRAAM Configuration Audit Milestone

USAF Concludes Latest AMRAAM Configuration Audit Milestone

The US Air Force has completed its Functional Configuration Audit of the latest Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile.

Inder Singh Bisht
Biden, Marcos Discuss Securing Tense South China SeaBiden, Marcos Discuss Securing Tense South China Sea

Biden, Marcos Discuss Securing Tense South China Sea

Responding to Beijing's expansion into the trade routes and islands of the South China Sea headlined talks between the US and the Philippines.

Staff Writer With AFP
US Army Awards Lockheed $615 Million HIMARS Launcher ContractUS Army Awards Lockheed $615 Million HIMARS Launcher Contract

US Army Awards Lockheed $615 Million HIMARS Launcher Contract

The US Army has awarded Lockheed Martin a $615 million contract to produce HIMARS launchers and associated equipment.

Inder Singh Bisht
US Approves Sale of Air-Launched Guided Rocket Systems to UKUS Approves Sale of Air-Launched Guided Rocket Systems to UK

US Approves Sale of Air-Launched Guided Rocket Systems to UK

The US State Department has approved the sale of the Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS)-II to the UK.

Inder Singh Bisht
Estonia Selects Finland’s Sako for New Army Sniper RifleEstonia Selects Finland’s Sako for New Army Sniper Rifle

Estonia Selects Finland’s Sako for New Army Sniper Rifle

Estonia has chosen Finnish arms manufacturer Sako to supply its military with new sniper rifles.

Joe Saballa