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U.S. Air Force to deploy F-35A stealth fighters to Japan in November

Twelve F-35A aircraft will deploy to Japan in November, the first in-theater deployment of the U.S. Air Force variant of…

Fergus Kelly

UK deploys more medics to Iraq’s Al Asad airbase, troops to move forward from base

The UK defence ministry said additional medical personnel will be deployed to Al Asad Air Base in Iraq and forces…

Fergus Kelly

$575 million UH-1Y utility helicopter sale to Czech Republic approved by US State Dept

The U.S. State Dept approved the estimated $575 million sale to the Czech Republic of 12 UH-1Y utility helicopters, including onboard…

Fergus Kelly

Iraq continues to deploy US military equipment to Kurdistan Region: Security Council

Iraq has continued to deploy U.S. military equipment to the Kurdistan Region over the last 48 hours, the Kurdistan Region…

Joanne Stocker

Diplomats apologise after top Indonesian general denied entry to US

US diplomats apologised after Indonesian armed forces chief General Gatot Nurmantyo was denied entry to the US for a conference…

Fergus Kelly

Over 150 Afghans went absent without leave while in US for training – Watchdog

Since 2005, some 152 Afghans went absent without leave while in military training in the United States, according to a report released…

Anna Varfolomeeva

The greatest threat to people returning to war-ravaged Raqqa: ISIS mines

Mines left by ISIS now pose the biggest danger to people returning to the Syrian city of Raqqa

Wladimir Van Wilgenburg

Uptick in Coalition strikes against ISIS on both sides of Syria-Iraq border

U.S.-led Coalition strikes against Islamic State targets on both sides of the Iraq-Syria border increased on Wednesday

Staff Writer With AFP

Blue Origin successfully test-fires innovative BE-4 rocket engine

Blue Origin successfully hot-fired its innovative, liquid natural gas-powered BE-4 rocket engine, a key step in the development of its…

Fergus Kelly

Fall of ISIS caliphate is ‘partial at best’ – CIA Director Pompeo

The fall of the so-called Islamic State caliphate is only partial, since the group has spread its influence beyond Iraq…

Anna Varfolomeeva