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Focus shifts to undersea search as Navy says missing Argentina submarine may have attempted satellite calls

Argentina's Navy says seven satellite calls may have come from missing submarine while international search efforts shift to undersea rescue

Fergus Kelly

Argentina navy believes missing submarine is on surface

An extensive search and rescue operation is underway for the Argentine Navy submarine ARA San Juan – carrying 44 crew…

Fergus Kelly

US State Department approves $10.5 billion Patriot anti-missile system sale to Poland

The U.S. State Dept approved the sale of Patriot missile defense systems to Poland, including 16 launching stations and 208…

Anna Varfolomeeva

Erdogan says Turkey must “cleanse” mainly Kurdish PYD and YPG from Syria’s Efrin

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the mainly Kurdish Efrin canton must be cleansed of the PYD and YPG, speaking…

Fergus Kelly

Search underway for Argentine submarine missing for two days

The Argentine Navy launched a search operation after it lost contact with the submarine ARA San Juan early on Wednesday,…

Fergus Kelly

Iraqi forces launch operation to capture last ISIS-held town

Iraqi forces on Friday launched a predawn operation to recapture the town of Rawa, the last urban area held by…

Joanne Stocker

FACT CHECK Reuters’ Chinese whispers further muddy the truth of the Raqqa ISIS deal

A Reuters report on the evacuation of ISIS fighters and civilians from Raqqa in Syria misrepresents BBC reporting, creating confusion…

Fergus Kelly

US and Japanese navies launch 10-day maritime war games

The U.S. Navy and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force started bilateral maritime field training exercises on Thursday off the coast of…

Joanne Stocker

US State Department approves $170 million air-to-air missile sale to Norway

The U.S. State Department approved the $170 million sale of 60 AIM-120 C-7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAMs) to…

Fergus Kelly

Where’s Talal? Spokesman Silo’s apparent ‘defection’ could signal trouble for SDF cohesion

Syrian Democratic Forces spokesperson Talal Silo has reportedly left the group and travelled to Turkey-backed rebel territory in northern Syria

Fergus Kelly