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US airstrike in Somalia against al-Shabaab kills “more than 100 militants” – AFRICOM

A U.S. airstrike in Somalia against al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab killed "more than 100 militants," the U.S. military's Africa Command said.

Fergus Kelly

Russia, Iran and Turkey agree to greater cooperation in Syria ahead of Sochi summit

Russian, Syrian, Iranian and Turkish officials held a summit in Sochi to discuss steps to end the civil war in…

Joanne Stocker

Indian Navy Searcher surveillance drone crashes in Kochi

An Indian Navy Searcher surveillance drone crashed shortly after take-off near Kochi, just hours before the country's vice president was…

Fergus Kelly

US F-22s strike Taliban drug labs as new Afghanistan campaign begins

F-22 stealth fighters were used in Afghanistan for the first time as the new U.S.-led Operation Jagged Knife targeting Taliban…

Fergus Kelly

Resignations from Syrian opposition High Negotiations Committee ahead of crucial talks

Several members of the Syrian opposition High Negotiations Committee, including HNC head Riad Hijab, have resigned ahead of talks in…

Fergus Kelly

US State Department approves $75 million Javelin anti-tank missile sale to Georgia

The U.S. State Department approved the $75 million sale of 72 Javelin anti-tank guided missile launch units along with 410…

Fergus Kelly

Spike spiked? India to scrap Israel missile deal – reports

The Indian MoD is to scrap a $500 million deal with Israel to procure Spike ATGM missile systems in favour…

Fergus Kelly

180 Syrian fighters demobilized from Coalition VSO partner force near Tanf, kept US-supplied M-16s

Around 180 fighters were recently demobilized from Jaysh Maghawir Al-Thawra, the U.S.-led Coalition partner force at At Tanf in southern Syria

Fergus Kelly

India wants 60 short-range surveillance drones

The Indian Army issued a Request for Information on the purchase of 60 short-range remotely piloted surveillance aircraft

Fergus Kelly

Romania says it will buy US Patriot missiles in 2019

Romania's defense minister says the country will purchase Patriot missiles worth $3.9 billion from the United States in the first…

Staff Writer With AFP