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Jaysh al-Islam reportedly agrees to leave Dumayr for Jarablus in northern Syria

Syrian state media reported that opposition group Jaysh al-Islam agreed to leave another town east of Damascus, just days after…

Fergus Kelly

Saudi Arabia renews offer to deploy troops to Syria

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir reaffirmed on Tuesday the kingdom's willingness to deploy troops to Syria as part of U.S.-led…

Fergus Kelly

Tajikistan and Uzbekistan to study and schedule border demining

Tajikistan and Uzbekistan look set to demine their shared border, Tajikistan's border service, as the central Asian neighbours look to…

Staff Writer With AFP

China launches website to report foreign spies

China has stepped up its campaign against foreign espionage with a website in Mandarin and English encouraging people to report…

Staff Writer With AFP

Afghanistan deploys troops after Pakistan cross-border gunfight leaves dead on both sides

Afghanistan has deployed troops after a cross-border gunfight with Pakistan on Sunday left at least two people dead amid simmering…

Staff Writer With AFP

Afghan and US special operations forces raid in Darzab kills 22 ISKP fighters

Afghan special forces backed by U.S. troops killed 22 Islamic State – Khorasan Province fighters in a nightime raid in Darzab district,…

Fergus Kelly

Mali militants disguised as peacekeepers attack French and UN bases killing one, injuring dozens

A rocket and car bomb attack by militants wearing blue helmets left one UN peacekeeper dead, a dozen wounded and…

Fergus Kelly

All targets in Syria hit successfully, Pentagon says

Officials from the U.S. Department of Defense said on Saturday that a joint US-British-French operation against Syria's regime had "successfully…

Staff Writer With AFP

US, UK, and France strike Syria chemical weapons targets

The US, France and the United Kingdom took "decisive action" to strike the chemical weapons infrastructure in Syria, U.S. Secretary of…

Anna Varfolomeeva

Why won’t Secretary Mattis say the US controls Syrian oilfields?

US Senator Bob Corker said he doesn’t think enough has been made of the US airstrike in Syria that killed…

Jared Szuba