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Mali militants disguised as peacekeepers attack French and UN bases killing one, injuring dozens

A rocket and car bomb attack by militants wearing blue helmets left one UN peacekeeper dead, a dozen wounded and…

Fergus Kelly

All targets in Syria hit successfully, Pentagon says

Officials from the U.S. Department of Defense said on Saturday that a joint US-British-French operation against Syria's regime had "successfully…

Staff Writer With AFP

US, UK, and France strike Syria chemical weapons targets

The US, France and the United Kingdom took "decisive action" to strike the chemical weapons infrastructure in Syria, U.S. Secretary of…

Anna Varfolomeeva

Why won’t Secretary Mattis say the US controls Syrian oilfields?

US Senator Bob Corker said he doesn’t think enough has been made of the US airstrike in Syria that killed…

Jared Szuba

US airstrike on al-Shabaab in Somalia destroys VBIED, Africom says

An airstrike targeting al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab in Somalia destroyed a vehicle bomb on April 11, the U.S. military’s Africa Command…

Staff Writer With AFP

Russian Ka-29 military helicopter crashes in Baltic Sea, killing both pilots

A Russian military helicopter has crashed during a training night flight over the Baltic Sea, killing two pilots, the Russian…

Staff Writer With AFP

Facing Mali equipment shortfalls, the UN asks Canada to deploy helicopters in June

The United Nations is in talks with Canada for early deployment of six helicopters to its Minusma peacekeeping force in…

Fergus Kelly

Pompeo says ‘couple of hundred’ Russians killed in February Syria clash

The outgoing head of the CIA appeared to confirm reports that around 200 Russian mercenaries were killed in February during…

Staff Writer With AFP

Greek military jet crashes in Aegean Sea, pilot killed

The pilot of a Greek air force jet is missing after the jet crashed in the Aegean Sea, 9 miles…

Joanne Stocker

Syrian military takes control over Eastern Ghouta after rebels in Douma lay down arms

The Syrian army is set to control all of Eastern Ghouta in Damascus after entering the rebel enclave of Douma,…

Joanne Stocker