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NATO summit fails to bring to clarity on defense spending or future membership

The NATO summit ended with a strong joint communique on Russia but no clear vision for the future of defense…

Joseph Hammond

Boeing awarded $131 million US Army contract for 4 Chinook special ops helicopters

Boeing was awarded a $131 million contract modification for four MH-47G Chinook special operations helicopters for the US Army

Joanne Stocker

Afghan forces suffer ‘heavy casualties’ after Taliban attack Kunduz bases

Taliban attacks on Afghan forces in Kunduz province have caused "heavy casualties," with as many as 40 soldiers killed in…

Staff Writer With AFP

Patriot missile intercepts drone fired from Syria, Israeli army says

The IDF said it fired a Patriot missile and intercepted a drone that was flown from Syrian territory toward the…

Joanne Stocker

Canada will lead new NATO training mission in Iraq, Trudeau says

Canada will lead a new NATO training mission in Iraq, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced at the NATO Summit in…

Joanne Stocker

UK to send 440 additional troops to Afghanistan, nearly doubling deployment

UK Prime Minister Theresa May will pledge 440 extra troops to Afghanistan during the NATO summit in Brussels

Staff Writer With AFP

Militants attack Afghan government building in Nangarhar province

Militants raided a government building in eastern Afghanistan's Nangarhar province, setting off explosions in an ongoing attack

Staff Writer With AFP

Debating direction: Summit split over NATO’s future focus?

Beyond defense spending, this year’s NATO Summit in Brussels will see debate over whether to look east to Russia or…

Joseph Hammond

The future of the British Army in Europe

Facing Russia, burden sharing, and strategic influence after Brexit, it is time for the UK to reconsider its forces' future…

Opinion Editor

Nigerian Army releases 183 children cleared of Boko Haram ties

Nigeria's armed forces released 183 children from administrative custody after clearing them of ties to Boko Haram insurgents

Anna Varfolomeeva