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Five Philippines troops killed battling Abu Sayyaf on Jolo

A "fierce firefight" killed five Philippine soldiers and three militants from the Abu Sayyaf group suspected of the deadly cathedral…

Staff Writer With AFP

Central African Republic peace deal ‘secured’ in Khartoum

The government of Central African Republic struck a peace deal with 14 armed groups at African Union-brokered talks in Khartoum

Fergus Kelly

Boko Haram kills 6 in Toumour near Niger-Nigeria border

Boko Haram militants shot dead six people in Toumour commune in the Diffa region of southern Niger, near the border with…

Staff Writer With AFP

Iran successfully flight tests Hoveizeh long-range cruise missile

Iran announced the successful flight test of its new 1,350 km-range Hoveizeh long-range cruise missile

Staff Writer With AFP

IRGC member killed in attack on Basij base in southeast Iran

A member of Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was killed and five were wounded in an armed attack in…

Staff Writer With AFP

Boko Haram or Islamic State West Africa … or both?

What is Boko Haram called, and how should we refer to its two factions?

Fergus Kelly

Irish police find mortar tube and ammunition near border

A mortar tube and a "substantial" quantity of ammunition have been discovered during search near the border between Ireland and Northern…

Fergus Kelly

Nigeria: Boko Haram killed at least 60 people in Rann, Amnesty says

Boko Haram militants killed at least 60 people in a January 28 attack on Rann in northeast Nigeria's Borno state,…

Fergus Kelly

US to pull out of Cold War INF missile treaty, Trump says

US President Donald Trump said the US was withdrawing from the Cold War INF missile treaty with Russia, saying Moscow…

Staff Writer With AFP

India Air Force pilots killed in Mirage 2000 fighter jet crash

Two Indian Air Force pilots were killed when their French-built Mirage 2000 aircraft crashed minutes after take-off in Bangalore

Staff Writer With AFP