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Joint Mali-France commando operation kills 20 ‘terrorists’ in Menaka

More than 20 "terrorists" were killed in joint operation against Islamic State in the Greater Sahara conducted by French and…

Fergus Kelly

Syria: Civilians injured in car bomb blast near Qamishli Asayish HQ

A vehicle bomb exploded in the city of Qamishli in Al-Hasakah governorate of northeastern Syria with civilian casualties reported

Robert Postings

Nigeria: Dozens killed in Boko Haram triple suicide bombing in Konduga, Borno state

A triple suicide bombing by Boko Haram killed 30 people in the northeastern Nigerian town of Konduga, emergency services said

Staff Writer With AFP

Syria: HTS rocket fire kills 12 people south of Aleppo

Rocket fire killed 12 civilians in a regime-held village in Syria, state news agency SANA has said blaming al-Qaeda affiliate…

Staff Writer With AFP

Boeing awarded $6.5 billion contract for JDAM guided bomb tailkits

Boeing was awarded a more than $6.5 billion, five-year contract extension for JDAM guided bomb tailkits

Staff Writer With AFP

Kenya police killed in IED explosion near Somalia border

At least eight Kenyan police officers were killed when their vehicle was struck by an IED during a patrol in…

Staff Writer With AFP

Saudi Arabia extradites 5 to Sri Lanka in connection with Easter bombings

Five Sri Lankans wanted in connection with the Easter bombings that killed 258 people were arrested in Saudi Arabia and…

Staff Writer With AFP

France’s Naval Group and Italian Fincantieri sign joint venture deal

French shipbuilders Naval Group and Italy's Fincantieri signed an agreement to create an 50-50 joint venture

Staff Writer With AFP

Raqqa security deteriorates as US drawdown threatens northern Syria stability

The drawdown of US troops from Syria has made Coalition allies’ sustained commitment to the counter-ISIS mission significantly more difficult

Jared Szuba

Gulf tensions escalate as US accuses Iran of attacking tankers

The United States accused Iran of carrying out attacks that left two tankers ablaze in the Gulf of Oman

Staff Writer With AFP