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US to send ‘additional military assets’ to Syria’s oil region amid troop withdrawal

The US said it planned to increase up its presence in eastern Syria in order to protect oil fields from…

Jared Szuba

Additional Russian military police arrive in Syria for border patrols

Some 300 Russian military police have arrived in Syria to patrol the flashpoint Syrian-Turkish frontier under a deal with Turkey

Staff Writer With AFP

NATO defense ministers criticize Turkey’s northern Syria incursion

NATO defense ministers slammed Turkey's military operation in Syria but recognized they have few options to sanction the strategic ally

Staff Writer With AFP

Five Turkish soldiers injured in northeast Syria attack

Five Turkish soldiers were wounded after an SDF attack n a northeastern Syrian border town, the defense ministry said

Staff Writer With AFP

Russia sends S-400 to Serbia for drills as Belgrade confirms Pantsir-S purchase

Serbia has ordered a Pantsir-S air defense system, the president said, as Russia deployed both S-400 and Pantsir-S systems to…

Staff Writer With AFP

Denmark parliament approves deployments to Barkhane and MINUSMA in the Sahel

Denmark's parliament has approved two separate deployments of a C-130J and EH-101 helicopters to the Sahel region of sub-Saharan Africa

Fergus Kelly

Turkey-backed rebels launch ‘large-scale’ assault on 3 Syrian villages, SDF says

Turkey-backed rebels launched an assault on three villages outside the area of Ankara's military operations in northeast Syria, the SDF…

Joanne Stocker

Nigeria signs contract with Russia for 12 Mi-35 helicopter gunships

The government of Nigeria has signed a contract with Russia for the supply of 12 Mi-35 helicopter gunships

Staff Writer With AFP

Burkina Faso troops killed in ambushes in Barsalogho, Centre-Nord region

Gunmen killed six Burkina Faso soldiers in ambushes in Guiendbila and Sidogo in the Centre-Nord region

Staff Writer With AFP

Iran ‘terrorist’ plot against MEK thwarted, Albania police say

Albanian police said they had thwarted a planned attack by a Tehran-backed "terrorist cell" against opponents of the Iranian government

Staff Writer With AFP