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Russian Military to Use T-14 Armata Tanks to ‘Fine-Tune’ War Tactics

The Russian military will use its next-generation tank series, the T-14 Armata, as the basis for the practice and improvement…

Hercules Reyes

Regime Fire Kills 8 Children in Syria’s Idlib in 2 Days: Monitor

Syria regime shelling has killed eight children and a woman in the country's last major rebel bastion of Idlib in just two days.

Staff Writer With AFP

US Military Seeks Wing-in-Ground Effect Vehicle for Naval Operations

DARPA has sought ideas to help develop “novel seaplanes and Wing In Ground effect (WIG) capable vehicles.”

Inder Singh Bisht

15 Soldiers Killed in Ambush in Central Mali: Army

Suspected jihadists mounted an ambush on an army convoy in central Mali that left 15 soldiers dead and 34 wounded, 10 of them seriously.

Staff Writer With AFP

Syria Says Air Defense Shot Down Israeli Missiles

Syria's air defense system engaged "hostile targets" over the capital Damascus.

Staff Writer With AFP

Chinese, Russian Complete Military Exercises Involving 10,000 Troops

China and Russia recently completed a series of military exercises in north-central China that involved 10,000 troops.

Hercules Reyes

Russia Integrates Kh-35U Anti-Ship Missiles Into Su-34 Bomber

Russia has integrated its latest Kh-35U anti-ship air-to-surface missiles with the Su-34 bomber.

Inder Singh Bisht

US Army Looks to Replace ‘Shadow’ Drone

The United States Army has approved replacing the aging unmanned aircraft system Shadow and endorsed a tactical drone challenge to…

Hercules Reyes

British Typhoons in Romania Intercept Russian Su-24 Fighter

The British Royal Air Force intercepted a Russian Su-24 Fencer jet flying toward Romanian territorial airspace on Tuesday.

Hercules Reyes

Indian Company Confident of Being Awarded Malaysian Fighter Contract

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited will formally respond next month to Malaysia's Request for Proposal for India’s LCA Mk1 A fighter.

Inder Singh Bisht