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Royal Navy Receives Trials Vessel for Innovation Project NavyXRoyal Navy Receives Trials Vessel for Innovation Project NavyX

Royal Navy Receives Trials Vessel for Innovation Project NavyX

The Royal Navy has taken delivery of trials vessel XV Patrick Blackett to join its Autonomy and Lethality Accelerator project…

Rojoef Manuel
Australian Border Patrol Fleet to Receive Advanced RadarAustralian Border Patrol Fleet to Receive Advanced Radar

Australian Border Patrol Fleet to Receive Advanced Radar

RI&S is collaborating with Cobham Special Mission to upgrade the radars of the Australian border patrol fleet.

Rojoef Manuel
Palantir to Implement AI Capabilities Across US Army Combatant CommandsPalantir to Implement AI Capabilities Across US Army Combatant Commands

Palantir to Implement AI Capabilities Across US Army Combatant Commands

The US Army taps Palantir to implement artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities for the service’s combatant commands.

Joe Saballa
Turkish Military Eyes 34 Additional ATAK Helicopters by 2023Turkish Military Eyes 34 Additional ATAK Helicopters by 2023

Turkish Military Eyes 34 Additional ATAK Helicopters by 2023

Turkey is seeking to increase its number of T129 ATAK helicopters to 91 by next year to bolster its combat…

Joe Saballa
Cochin Delivers Indian Navy’s First Indigenous Aircraft CarrierCochin Delivers Indian Navy’s First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier

Cochin Delivers Indian Navy’s First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier

Cochin Shipyard Limited has delivered the Indian Navy’s first indigenous aircraft carrier, soon to be commissioned as INS Vikrant.

Rojoef Manuel
Steadicopter to Provide Unmanned Electric Helicopters to Israeli NavySteadicopter to Provide Unmanned Electric Helicopters to Israeli Navy

Steadicopter to Provide Unmanned Electric Helicopters to Israeli Navy

Unmanned chopper manufacturer Steadicopter has secured a contract to produce Black Eagle Electric helicopters for the Israeli Navy.

Rojoef Manuel
Russian Strikes Kill 5 at Bus Stop in South Ukraine: GovernorRussian Strikes Kill 5 at Bus Stop in South Ukraine: Governor

Russian Strikes Kill 5 at Bus Stop in South Ukraine: Governor

Russian strikes on the Ukrainian city of Mykolaiv near the country's southern frontline killed five people and wounded seven more.

Staff Writer With AFP
Boeing to Integrate Payload Delivery System on Orca Drone SubmarineBoeing to Integrate Payload Delivery System on Orca Drone Submarine

Boeing to Integrate Payload Delivery System on Orca Drone Submarine

The US has tapped Boeing to integrate a payload delivery system on the US Navy’s first-ever Orca Extra Large Unmanned…

Joe Saballa
South Korea Launches New 8,200-Ton Aegis DestroyerSouth Korea Launches New 8,200-Ton Aegis Destroyer

South Korea Launches New 8,200-Ton Aegis Destroyer

The South Korean Navy announced on Thursday that it has launched a new 8,200-ton destroyer equipped with state-of-the-art systems.

Joe Saballa
UK Invests $48.5M in Digital Protection Against Remote-Controlled BombsUK Invests $48.5M in Digital Protection Against Remote-Controlled Bombs

UK Invests $48.5M in Digital Protection Against Remote-Controlled Bombs

The UK has awarded Leonardo a more than 40 million pounds contract to equip the country's armed forces with digital…

Inder Singh Bisht