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AI Gives Drone Swarms Various Levels of Autonomy in Thales Demo

Thales has demonstrated how artificial intelligence (AI) can provide drone swarms with varying levels of autonomy to effectively execute different missions.

The company recently tested its AI-enabled system architecture called COHESION to enhance the coordination of drone swarms and allow operators to adjust the level of autonomy based on mission requirements.

According to Thales, the effectiveness of drones on the battlefield is often limited by the need for one operator per drone and the requirement for a secure, resilient datalink.

With the new technology, drone swarms can achieve a high level of supervised autonomy, reducing cognitive burdens on operators while keeping them in control.

The system also reportedly provides “unprecedented flexibility” in contested electromagnetic environments.

‘A Force Multiplier’

Thales describes the COHESION architecture as a force multiplier, improving the operational efficiency of drone swarms by allowing them to operate without continuous communication with the control station.

When deployed, the AI solution enhances drones’ ability to perceive and analyze their surroundings, share target information, and evaluate enemy actions.

It also aids in employing collaborative tactics to ensure mission success.

“We are proud to be developing innovative solutions aligned with strong ethical values,” Thales Vice President for Land and Air Systems Hervé Dammann stated.

“Our solutions are demonstrable, applicable, incremental, and deployable, acting as a force multiplier without increasing the cognitive burden on operators, yet guaranteeing that they retain their central role in the decision-making process.”

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