AmericasBusinessDOD ContractsSea

BAE Clinches Arleigh Burke Destroyer Modernization Contract

The US Navy has contracted BAE Systems to maintain and modernize the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Halsey.

The $177.8-million contract upgrade includes underwater hull preservation and Aegis combat system enhancement with the Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program (Block 3).

Additionally, the ship’s command-and-control systems will be upgraded and its living spaces will be refurbished.

“This type of deep-level sustainment work is necessary and critical to maintain the combat effectiveness of the USS Halsey,” vice president and general manager of BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair Eric Icke said.

“Our San Diego team is ready to conduct the assigned DMP work that will enable Halsey to move into its next phase of fleet readiness.”

Work Completion in 2026

The amount could reach $225.5 million if all options are exercised.

Work will be performed at BAE Systems’ San Diego shipyard, where similar work was recently done aboard another Arleigh ship, the USS Mustin.

The work is expected to begin this month through 2026.

Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer

A total of 73 Arleigh Burke-class ships are operational with the US Navy, featuring the Aegis Combat System and the SPY-1D multi-function passive electronically scanned array radar. 

The lead ship was commissioned in 1991 and 11 more are under construction. The navy plans to field a fleet of 94 Arleigh Burke ships.

The class size spans 505 to 509.5 feet (153.9 to 155.3 meters), with a displacement of 8,300 to 9,700 tons.

Weaponry includes surface-to-air missiles, with Tomahawk missiles for land strikes, anti-submarine warfare with towed array sonar, and anti-submarine rockets.

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