British Army Orders Additional Jackal 3 Transporters From Babcock, Supacat

Jackal 3 High Mobility Transporter. Photo: Babcock

Babcock and Supacat have received a contract to produce 53 additional Jackal 3 “Extenda” High Mobility Transporters (HMTs) for the British Army.

The deal supports the UK government’s objective to replenish its land-based military platforms after some of the stocks were donated to Ukraine in response to Russia’s invasion.

The consortium will work on the latest order starting in 2025 at Babcock’s Devonport and Supacat’s Dunkeswell facilities.

Once operational, the HMT fleet will be used for off-road patrol, force protection, communication, and intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance or ISTAR missions.

“This contract cements the success of the Jackal programme and delivers a critical boost to the British Army’s fleet with a vehicle that is the most capable and versatile in its class,” Babcock Land Sector CEO Tom Newman stated.

“Babcock teams play a broad and critical role supporting capabilities across the UK’s armed forces; the production of 53 new Jackal 3 Extendas is an excellent example of this and at the same time securing 100 jobs in the South West region.”

More Than 200 Jackals Expected

London placed the initial order for 70 Jackal 3s in February 2023. One year later, Babcock and Supacat began the development of the vehicles, which at the time was revealed to be completed by the summer of 2024.

The consortium noted that the British Army has the option to procure up to 240 of the armored systems depending on its future requirements.

”Firstly, we are enormously proud that Supacat’s Jackal 3 ‘extenda’ is now adding to the Army’s Land Fleet which will help support [Chief of the General Staff’s] intent of increasing lethality with a modular high mobility platform,” Supacat Director Phil Applegarth commented on the latest contract.

“We have demonstrated the modularity and the ease of integrating specific mission winning systems and we look forward with continuing our collaboration with the UK MoD and our industry partners in the near future.”

“Secondly, we are enormously pleased that our partnership with Babcock and Devonport continues to produce Jackal 3 and now the Jackal 3 ‘extenda’, exemplifying The British Army’s Land Industrial strategy and the huge benefits to both the UK and local economies through social value.”

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