AmericasAsia PacificSea

Navy Unveils ‘Project 33’ to Prepare Forces for Conflict vs China in 2027

The US Navy has unveiled “Project 33,” which focuses on seven key areas to prepare for potential conflict with China by 2027 while enhancing long-term advantages.

This is part of the 2024 Navigation Plan (NAVPLAN) for America’s Warfighting Navy, which Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti described as “overarching strategic guidance to make our Navy more ready.”

Project 33 aims to help in “prioritizing raising our level of readiness for potential conflict with the People’s Republic of China by 2027 while also enhancing the Navy’s long-term warfighting advantage.”

Project 33

The seven key areas start with readying the force by eliminating ship, submarine, and aircraft maintenance delays.

Next comes scaling robotic and autonomous systems “to integrate more platforms at speed,” as the Navy created a new job focused on drones and robotics warfare in February this year and commissioned a new unit for unmanned operations in the Middle East in January.

The rest are to create command centers for success on a distributed battlefield, recruit and retain talented people, deliver quality service, invest in warfighter competency, and restore critical infrastructure that sustains and projects the fight from shore. 

The NAVPLAN was released at the Naval War College on September 18.


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