
German Military Orders Rheinmetall Hearing Protection Intercom Sets

The German military has ordered a second batch of 30,000 tactical communication sets with hearing protection from Rheinmetall.

The 55-million-euro ($61 million) procurement comprises 8,000 command intercom with hearing protection function (SMG) sets and 22,000 soldier SMGs. 

Delivery is expected from July 2025 through the end of 2025.

An initial batch of 30,000 SMGs was ordered in April this year.

Rheinmetall has been commissioned to supply up to 191,000 SMGs for the German military over a span of seven years in a potential 400-million-euro ($430 million) deal.

Intercom With Hearing Protection 

The tactical communication set is compatible with German military helmets, including the new models supplied by Rheinmetall. 

The set includes modern active capsule ear protection and a microphone that can be connected to various radio devices.

The ear protection “attenuates harmful impulse noise and amplifies quiet sounds,” according to Rheinmetall.

“In addition to the combined headset, the scope of supply includes various push-to-talk (PTT) buttons and different cable sets for connecting to a range of radios and on-board communication systems.”

The two subcontractors involved in the project are 3M Deutschland GmbH with the ComTac VIII headset and CeoTronics AG with CT-Multi PTT 1C and 3C.

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