Russian Navy Trained to Carry Out Nuclear Strikes on NATO: Report

Russia's long-range nuclear missile participating in the Victory Day parade. Photo: AFP

The Russian Navy has reportedly trained to launch its nuclear-capable weapons deep inside Europe in anticipation of a potential conflict with NATO.

Classified documents seen by Financial Times showed maps of potential European targets, including France’s west coast, the port town of Barrow-in-Furness in the UK, and naval facilities in Norway.

They also contain an instruction to maximize the country’s available nuclear weapons “in combination with other means of destruction.”

Earlier this year, leaked German military documents floated the possibility of Moscow going to war with NATO if it wins in Ukraine.

Subsequent intelligence reports claimed that Russia’s increasing military activities on its borders could indicate that it was preparing for a major conflict beyond the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Consistent With Current Capability?

The secret files allegedly mandate the Russian Navy retain its capability to carry multiple nuclear weapons on its surface ships.

These weapons include anti-submarine and anti-aircraft guided missiles with powerful nuclear warheads.

Defense analysts who reviewed the documents told Financial Times that the provisions were consistent with Moscow’s current military capabilities.

They were also on par with Russia’s nuclear-related activities and decisions, including lowering its threshold for activating nuclear weapons.

It also expanded its nuclear drills to a military district that borders NATO members Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Finland, Latvia, and Estonia.

“Their concept of war is total war,” Middlebury Institute of International Studies professor Jeffrey Lewis said.

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