
US Navy’s SM-6 Missile Intercepts Target Using Army’s LTAMDS Radar

Raytheon has demonstrated a simulated missile interception using the US Army’s new missile defense radar and command and control system and the US Navy’s interceptor. 

The Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor (LTAMDS) simulators provided threat tracking data and the Standard Missile-6 (SM-6) engagement control software to the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS) during a Valiant Shield 24 test.

The Northrop Grumman IBCS subsequently initiated the transfer of the launch command data and guided a missile interception “successfully,” according to Raytheon.

Both physical systems’ hardware and simulations were involved in the demonstration.

Seamless Integration of Systems

It proved that the navy’s SM-6 can work with the army’s future integrated air and missile defense architecture, including both the LTAMDS and the IBCS.

The LTAMDS radar is in the prototyping phase and will feature 360-degree tracking ability lacking in the present Patriot radar.

“The successful test confirms a viable option for INDOPACOM by demonstrating SM-6 integrated with IBCS and LTAMDS,” Raytheon President of Land & Air Defense Systems Tom Laliberty said.

“LTAMDS matched with SM-6 adds an exceptional capability to defeat increasingly diverse and complex threats with a multi-mission missile that flies as far as the radar can see – providing for long range Army and Joint integrated air and missile defense.”

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