Asia PacificCyber

Indonesia Urged to Create Separate Military Branch for Cyber Warfare

The Indonesian government is being encouraged to form a separate military branch dedicated solely to cyber warfare.

Discussions are ongoing in Jakarta about creating a fourth military branch, with former National Resilience Institute governor Andi Widjajanto saying the proposed move is now becoming inevitable.

He also said that state and non-state entities appeared to be capable of mounting attacks on the country through cyberspace, so it is “crucial for the government to act swiftly on this idea.”

Meanwhile, State Intelligence College cybersecurity expert Pratama Persada explained the dangers of cyberwar, saying an attack launched in cyberspace can rapidly cripple a country’s economy.

It is also a type of attack that could not be countered with conventional weapons, making its targets more vulnerable.

‘Biggest Cyberattack’

Debates about forming a separate cyber force come as Indonesia experienced its “biggest cyberattack yet” late last month.

A ransomware attack disrupted multiple government services in Jakarta, including immigration and operations at major airports.

The government revealed that more than 230 public agencies had been affected, though the attackers were not able to receive their demanded $8-million ransom.

The Indonesian Armed Forces already has a cyber unit, but its activities are only internal and meant to support the military’s core systems.

Even so, it is still vulnerable to cyberattacks, as some media outlets reported a recent hacking attempt on the military’s Strategic Intelligence Agency.

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