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Lithuanian Military Launches FPV Drone Training Course

The Lithuanian Armed Forces has begun training soldiers on first-person view (FPV) drones, which have been deployed extensively in the Ukraine war.

A two-week course commenced earlier this month with an initial group of 10 soldiers, according to Lithuanian National Radio and Television.

Once trained, the soldiers will return to their units and train other soldiers.

“The training of people and the adaptation of the system itself are equally important. This is basically a new thing not only for people but also for the Armed Forces,” the outlet quoted Lithuanian Armed Forces Major Sarunas Savukaitis as saying.

“This is an ongoing process that can take up to a couple of years before you can work with certain drones in large units.”

First-Person View Drone

An FPV drone is equipped with a video camera that wirelessly transmits video feed to operators.

It is generally armed with explosives and is remotely controlled or programmed to fly autonomously.

The drones being used for training can carry an explosive of up to 4 kilograms (9 pounds) and can be operated from a distance of 10 kilometers (6 miles).

The training is based on the experience of Ukrainian soldiers fighting against the Russian military.

Drone Ecosystem

The development follows the Lithuanian ministry of defense launching a plan to develop a drone ecosystem in the country, including the establishment of a drone competence center and the promotion of domestic drone manufacturing.

The initiative is in response to the heightened threat perception in the region in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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