
MBDA Unveils Ground-Based Cruise Missile Capable of ‘Deep Strikes’

MBDA has unveiled a ground-launched cruise missile capable of long-range precision strikes.

The Land Cruise Missile (LCM) system is designed, produced, and assembled in Europe and offers a blend of survivability and deep-strike capabilities.

It comprises a comprehensive integrated system, including ground launchers mounted on a dedicated platform and mission planning suite.

Based on Naval Cruise Missile

The LCM is based on the operational Naval Cruise Missile (NCM), offering the same features, “including metric precision at very long range; high survivability when penetrating through enemy integrated air defense systems thanks to reduced radar cross section & terrain-following capability; and high lethality against targets,” MBDA explained.

“It will also allow highly accurate synchronized time-on-target capability as already demonstrated by the simultaneous NCM strike from a frigate and a submerged submarine, performed by the French Navy with the support of DGA in April 2024.”

NCM Features

The 1.4-ton NCM has been operational with the French Navy since 2017, featuring a warhead of 1,100 pounds (499 kilograms).

It has a range of 1,400 kilometers (870 miles) when surface launched, and a range of 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) when subsurface launched. It can reach a speed of 500 miles (804 kilometers) per hour.

“The Land Cruise Missile system complements MBDA’s comprehensive portfolio of decisive European sovereign solutions,” CEO of MBDA Eric Beranger said. 

“Building on the track-record of the Naval Cruise Missile, MBDA demonstrates its ability to cover the full spectrum of operational requirements for our customers while generating synergies across our deep strike portfolio to ensure battle-readiness.”

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