
US Army, Ameresco Inaugurate Renewable Energy System at Fort Detrick

The US Army and power solutions provider Ameresco have launched a renewable energy system at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland.

The project is part of a 2022 contract to integrate a battery energy storage system (BESS) into the base’s existing 18.6-megawatt direct current solar renewable energy facility, which has been operational since 2016.

For the initiative, Ameresco deployed a 6-megawatt BESS solution to amplify the installation’s electric grid capacity.

The system is expected to enhance power quality and decrease inadvertent fluctuations,  ensuring overall energy security and sustainability at the base.

“We’re proud to lead initiatives that not only bolster the US Army’s energy security but also align with our commitment to consistently deliver the most innovative and vendor neutral energy solutions,” Ameresco Executive Vice President Nicole Bulgarino remarked during the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

“This project at Fort Detrick is a steppingstone towards future developments, including potential integration into a microgrid system, which will provide further essential backup power and support the Army’s mission-critical operations during potential outages.”

Leveraging a ‘Common Vision’

Fort Detrick is a critical installation encompassing 1,200 acres (485 hectares) of area in Frederick.

The center supports various US military segments, such as the US Army Medical Research and Development Command, the 21st Signal Brigade, the Defense Health Agency, and the US Space Force.

Since its establishment in the 1930s, Fort Detrick remains among the US government’s key communities for scientific and medical research, including biological defense programs and other pathogen-focused studies.

Ameresco wrote that the employment of an energy-saving solution at the installation would further maintain the base’s role in the military and related advancements.

“The Army and industry partners like Ameresco share a common vision to create a sustainable, resilient, and clean energy future,” Army Installations, Energy and Environment Assistant Secretary Rachel Jacobson stated.

“The 6 MW/h energy storage system we are inaugurating at Fort Detrick … exemplifies cutting edge innovation and the success of partnerships.”

“This win-win outcome benefits the Army, local Maryland communities, and many other stakeholders.”

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