
L3Harris to Upgrade US Air Force B-52 Bomber Cockpit 

L3Harris Technologies has secured a $34-million contract to upgrade the US Air Force B-52H bomber cockpit. 

It is part of the force’s Global Strike Command B-52 Quad Crew Program to consolidate the functions of the electronic warfare officer and navigator.

The aircraft’s five-person crew comprises two pilots, two navigators, and an electronic warfare officer.

Cockpit Consolidation

The consolidation includes relocating the control and display unit panels to the navigator station.

Additionally, an analysis will be performed to assess the impact on the B-52 airframe to inform the modification kit design.

The assessment includes “aircraft weight and balance, structural and electrical load analysis and thermal cooling,” L3Harris stated.

B-52 Upgrade

The six-decade old long-range bomber is capable of carrying both nuclear and precision-guided conventional weapons. 

An upgrade is underway to keep the B-52 fleet operational for another three decades, including engine, radar, and communication and navigation equipment

“Transforming the iconic B-52 bomber into a more capable platform that operates through 2050 is a priority for our company,” L3Harris President of Space and Airborne Systems Ed Zoiss said.

“This contract is an important step forward for the nation’s strategic bomber operators and their global strike mission.”

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