Wearable Devices to Design Touchless Sensing Equipment for Military Use

Mudra gesture sensing device. Photo: Werable Devices Ltd. via X

Israeli neuro-digital solutions firm Wearable Devices has signed an agreement with a defense industry partner to jointly design a touchless sensing equipment prototype for military applications.

The project aims to produce a neural gesture capability that can be employed by warfighters in covert scenarios requiring silent activation.

The strategic collaboration will leverage the core experiences of both companies in touchless controls.

Mudra Technology

According to the Tel Aviv firm, the effort will incorporate the company’s Mudra technology, an advanced digital system that collects input from nerve signals for touchless controls.

The firm claims that the wristband provides a “more natural and intuitive way” to manage other devices compared to existing touchless methods.

Research and development throughout the initiative will be facilitated to customize the system’s gesture functions and meet the unique requirements of tactical deployment.

Mudra gesture sensing device. Photo: Wearable Devices Ltd. via X

Wearable Devices said the project will utilize artificial intelligence, defense analysis, as well as proprietary algorithms from respective partners to ensure the safety, efficiency, and adaptability of Mudra when employed by future defense users.

“We are incredibly excited to explore the use of our gesture technology in new leading edge industries,” Wearable Devices CEO Asher Dahan stated.

“The need for touchless, silent activation in defense contexts has been a long-standing challenge.”

“Our collaboration with a leading global defense company will pioneer solutions that can be game-changing for the defense industry.”

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