Milrem, Ukraine to Develop Next-Gen Robotic Systems

THeMIS unmanned ground vehicle. Photo: Milrem Robotics

Estonian company Milrem Robotics has signed an agreement with the Ukrainian Defense Industry (UDI) in Kyiv to produce next-generation tactical robotic systems.

The strategic partnership covers the development of manned and unmanned solutions for multi-domain military applications.

For the project’s initial phase, Milrem and the Ukrainian state-owned defense conglomerate will explore Ukraine’s needs and use cases for robotic systems to boost the country’s defense capabilities during and after the war there.

Both firms will leverage information from Kyiv’s experiences and relay it to Milrem’s existing platforms.

According to Milrem, the consortium will team with additional Ukrainian defense manufacturers and developers to integrate their technologies, including electronic warfare, weapon systems, and mine-clearing equipment, to address additional requirements.

The partnership also plans to build Milrem’s existing products in Ukraine, including the THeMIS anti-tank, mine countermeasures, and medical ground drone variants.

Furthermore, the consortium will design and engineer a new wheeled Robotic Combat Vehicle for the project.

“This unfortunate war in Ukraine has made it clear that unmanned and robotic systems have an important role on the battlefield and this role will increase in time,” Milrem Robotics CEO Kuldar Väärsi stated.

“The main goal is to protect the troops and to keep the warfighters safe, but at the same time provide a stronger and asymmetric effect on the aggressor’s forces.”

“We are honoured to cooperate with UDI to develop and manufacture robotic systems which help Ukraine win this war.”

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