Taiwanese Soldiers May Soon Train on US Soil

Taiwanese soldiers during a military drill. Photo: AFP

Taiwanese soldiers may soon be permitted to train on US soil to prepare for a potential armed conflict with China.

On Tuesday, the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission released an annual report that included a suggestion to Congress to allow the expansion of Taiwanese military training.

The US is considered Taipei’s most important ally and remains its main supplier of sophisticated weapons and equipment.

According to the report, China continues to accelerate its “multifaceted” political, military, economic, and information pressure campaign against Taiwan, fueling international concerns about a possible invasion.

The commission pointed out the importance of authorizing “observer teams” from the self-governed island to regularly observe and participate in military training held on US soil.

The main objective, according to the report, is to familiarize the Taiwanese military with the weapon systems it ordered from the US but that yet have to arrive in Taiwan. This facilitates faster deployment once delivered.

“The lessons everybody is learning from what is happening in Ukraine has been that it’s really important for militaries to be trained on the advanced technology that they’re going to be getting before they actually get it, and before they need it in the field, because there’s been a terrible delay,” commission chair Carolyn Bartholomew said.

US-Taiwan Joint Center

In addition to training Taiwanese soldiers on US soil, the bipartisan commission suggested the establishment of a US-Taiwan joint center to uncover and analyze China’s military activities.

The facility could also be used to counter China’s disinformation and offensive cyber operations against the small island nation.

The Asian military superpower has ramped up cyber activities against Taiwan, including in August when a China-based hacking group targeted dozens of Taiwanese government agencies with the likely aim of spying on them.

In light of China’s alleged cyber espionage activities, a US security official said Taiwan is already bracing for a potential cyberwar with China as tensions soar between the two nations.

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