Japan Aims for 12 New Mogami-Class Frigates in 5 Years

The new frigates are set to be "improved" versions of previous Mogami-class ships. Photo: 海上自衛隊/Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force

Japan will acquire 12 new Mogami-class (FFM) frigates from 2024 to 2028 amid the government’s recent push for a stronger defense posture.

The new FFMs are being built at a pace of two ships per year in Nagasaki and Tamano by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and its subsidiary, Maritime Systems.

The FFMs are multi-stealth frigates deployed to conduct low crew-size missions that utilize unmanned seacraft as well as augmented reality to navigate waters.

Bigger and Stronger

The new frigates are set to be “improved” versions of previous Mogami-class ships, fitted with longer-range missiles, enhanced anti-submarine systems, and a new ship-to-air guided missile.

The ships will have a standard displacement of up to 4,880 tons, an overall length of 142 meters (466 feet), and an overall beam of about 17 meters (56 feet), Naval News explained.

In comparison, current FFMs displace about 3,900 tons, have an overall length of 132.5 meters (438 feet), and an overall beam of 16.3 meters (53 feet).

Defense officials revealed that although bigger than older FFMs, the new ships’ crew complement will stay at 90.

No Half-Measures

Japan’s recent investments in its maritime force include test-fires of shipboard railgun counter-hypersonic weapons, the procurement of additional naval helicopters, and anti-invasion drills with ally nations

In spite of persistent recruitment issues in the military, Japan’s defense ministry seeks a record 7.7 trillion yen ($52.67 billion) budget for the 2024 fiscal year.

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