Leonardo, Elbit Chosen to Prototype Next-Gen Laser Targeting System for US Army

Leonardo's laser targeting system. Photo: Leonardo

The US Army has selected Leonardo and Elbit Systems to begin the prototyping phase for its next-generation laser targeting system.

Called the Joint Effects Targeting System II (JETS II), the initiative aims to produce a futuristic, binocular device that troops can use on the battlefield to scout enemy locations and coordinate strikes.

It should feature high-end sensors, thermal night-vision sights, and a celestial navigation system. It must be compatible with coordinate-seeking, laser-guided, and conventional munitions.

According to Leonardo, its selection for the JETS II prototyping effort reflects the success of its JETS I technology in providing the “most comprehensive” hand-held target location system for the US Army.

“Leonardo DRS is known for its leading position in advanced sensors and sensor systems, and we are excited to continue this relationship with the US Army over the next several years,” company official Jerry Hathaway said.

The two companies have not disclosed the total value of the prototyping agreement. However, they said the phase will run for more than two years.

Providing a Battlefield Advantage

In 2022, the US Army issued a request for proposals for the JETS II precision laser targeting system program.

It stated that the device must provide forward observers with the capability to call in precision munition strikes in a wide range of combat scenarios for higher target success rates.

The system should also incorporate enhanced technologies for reduced weight and improved accuracy.

In addition to sensors, the man-portable device should have an eye-safe laser range-finder and a digital magnetic compass to guide munitions in engaging targets.

“By working closely with our customer and listening to their needs, we have delivered a product that gives users a distinct advantage on the battlefield,” Hathaway explained.

As many as 25 prototypes are needed for testing.

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