Spain Hosts First EU Crisis Management Exercise

A total of 31 military groups from 19 members conducted strategic command post and field force exercises in Cadiz, Spain. Photo: Spain Ministry of Defence

Spain has hosted the EU’s first field force deployment exercise (LIVEX) in Cadiz as part of the union’s annual crisis management drills.

A total of 31 military groups from 19 members conducted strategic command post and field force exercises to create updated defense strategies for hybrid threat environments.

The hosting duties are part of Spain’s responsibilities as president of the EU’s Rapid Deployment Capability Council to establish unified security defense policies among its members.

Preparedness in the Region

The LIVEX drills were a part of the EU’s Military Exercise (MILEX) initiative, an annual event to bolster the union’s military forces by promoting interoperability between EU armed forces.

A total of 2,800 military personnel simulated land, air, and sea crisis operations to test the union’s planning and operational process on a large scale.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borell said that Spain’s focus on crisis management assisted the members with creating updated strategies for external conflicts and crises.

“We decided to build a rapid European Union deployment capacity as a robust and scalable military instrument to provide a rapid response outside the EU,” he explained.

The drills were led by the EU’s Military Planning and Conduct Capability Council alongside the Rapid Deployment Capability Council.

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