Lockheed ‘Agile Shield’ Battle Management System Passes Capability Test

"Agile Shield" battle management system during a capability test. Photo: Lockheed Martin Australia

Lockheed Martin Australia has announced that its most sophisticated battle management system, dubbed “Agile Shield,” has successfully completed field capability trials.

Held at the Puckapunyal Military Area in southeastern Australia, the three-week tests involved live demonstrations in a simulated environment of drone threats.

During the trial, the system fused sensor data into a common operating picture to be analyzed by Agile Shield’s intelligent threat evaluation algorithms.

The algorithms then generated optimized engagement recommendations to enhance the likelihood of defeating the unmanned aerial system threats.

“The successful completion of the Field Capability Demonstration represents a critical milestone in the development of this important sovereign defense capability,” company official Dr. Tony Lindsay said.

He added that the battle management system is now ready to empower the Australian Defence Force to respond effectively to complex and sophisticated threats.

About Agile Shield

In 2021, Lockheed Martin Australia was awarded a contract for 9 million Australian dollars ($5.7 million) to develop a system that can detect, neutralize, and mitigate threats in a complex joint battlespace.

According to the company, its Agile Shield solution brings together a number of sensors and effectors to provide a “rapid, scalable, and flexible response” to airborne threats.

Lockheed also said it has partnered with various small-scale enterprises in Canberra to develop and mature the battle management system.

“While the Agile Shield battle management system has the intrinsic capability for fully-autonomous operation, the design philosophy is founded on agility and ability to adapt to the unknown – characteristics that fundamentally mandate a warfighter-centric approach,” chief engineer Kevin McDonald explained.

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