Fortress Joins CISA’s Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative

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Florida-based Fortress Information Security has officially joined a Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) consortium defending the homeland and global internet ecosystem against digital threats.

The Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC) comprises international public and private organizations to proactively identify, analyze, and distribute cyber risk data, gaining an advantage over hostile entities.

According to Fortress, the company will contribute to JCDC by leveraging its experience in teaming with other groups focusing on supply chain security solutions for the US power grid.

Fortress provides cyber threat identification and prioritization services, data validation support, and constant vulnerability monitoring for large businesses.

Fortress Strategy & Policy VP Tobias Whitney explained the importance of cooperation between JCDC and similar companies to protect US cyberspace.

“JCDC provides leading companies with a place to share information and give guidance to the nation’s cybersecurity leaders,” he said.

“These public-private partnerships work. We know because we team up with companies every day working to protect the nation from cyber threats. Teaming up with organizations dedicated to security makes all of us in critical infrastructure a little better and a little safer.” 

The Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative

JCDC members utilize a streamlined and integrated approach to cybersecurity planning, defensive actions, and response against cyber actors.

Together, these firms provide diverse expertise and resources for cybersecurity solutions, provide insight into the threat landscape, and coordinate the planning and execution of cyber defense operations.

CISA facilitates JCDC objectives with the US Cyber Command, the National Security Agency, the FBI, the Department of Justice, other federal agencies, and over 100 cyber defense organizations.

 “We face unique challenges from around the world, but thanks to incredible leadership and coordination from CISA – America’s cybersecurity companies have seen time and time again how collaboration can mitigate and neutralize even the smartest, most dangerous cyber attackers,” Fortress Co-Founder & CEO Alex Santos said.

“We’ve seen that hostile nation-states are finding devious ways to come after our critical infrastructure and government agencies. We look forward to answering the call from CISA and will work with JCDC members to protect the nation from these dangers.”  

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