UK Training Ukrainians to Clear Russian Minefields

Ukrainian soldiers searching for mines in the city of Izyum it recaptured from Russia. Photo: Juan Barreto/AFP

The British military is training Ukrainian engineers on how to clear the vast minefields created by Russian forces.

Being held at a military base in Poland, the training is provided by a group of British bomb experts who faced similar obstacles in Afghanistan.

Kyiv has long been requesting mine disposal training from its Western allies as Moscow continues to extensively use land explosives to slow Ukrainian advances, according to a report by BBC News.

At the training site, more than 20 dummy devices simulating cylindrical anti-tank and anti-personnel mines have been buried to create a representative environment.

The trainers also used dummy grenades attached to trip wires to assess Ukrainian engineers’ ability to detect them.

Staff Sgt. Kevin Engstrom, a British bomb disposal expert, said his team is teaching the Ukrainians the “gold standard of mine clearance,” which reportedly involves time and patience.

‘Most Dangerous Job’

Denys, one of the trainees, described explosive ordnance disposal as the “most dangerous job in the world.”

“We need more sappers. We don’t have enough of them,” he told BBC.

Thanks to the British military-led training, Ukrainians are gaining more knowledge on clearing deadly mines – which is usually a slow and laborious process – at a faster and more efficient pace.

British trainers commended the participants for being fast learners.

“They’re very quick. The first time I deployed to Afghanistan, I was slow. They don’t miss much,” Engstrom revealed. “Their work is impressive with the kit they’ve been given.”

‘Effective War Footing’

Earlier this year, a UK Ministry of Defence intelligence report acknowledged that the Russian military seems to have found an “effective war footing” amid Ukraine’s counteroffensive.

Moscow’s forces are reportedly laying “many more mines” than what is stated in its military doctrine.

The vast minefields are allegedly creating damage to Ukrainian tanks, slowing their advances and allowing the Russians to fortify their defenses.

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