Estonian Firm Develops ‘Virtual Shooting Ranges’ to Hone Cyber Defenses

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Estonia’s CybExer Technologies has developed “virtual shooting ranges” for countries to practice and improve their cyber defenses.

They include designing a range of attacks on customers’ cyber infrastructure to help them better prepare for real attacks, Defense News wrote, citing company representative Mihkel Mooste.

Bolstering Ukraine’s Cyber Defense

Ukraine is one of the potential customers of the service. 

CybExer has been working with the Ukrainian military for over a year to improve its cyber security.

Along with the e-Governance Academy, the company opened a military cyber facility in Ukraine last year as part of a European Union support effort.

Russian Cyber Warfare

Kyiv has been battling Russia’s cyber warfare and its regular military during the ongoing war.

In a prominent attack last year, Ukrainian nuclear operator Energoatom reported an “unprecedented cyberattack” on its website by the Russian “popular cyberarmy” group.

The three-hour-long attack involved over 7 million internet bots. 

Expanding Business to Other Regions

CybExer’s collaboration with the Ukrainian military is helping it expand its business, company representatives told Defense News at this year’s Defence and Security Equipment International forum in London.

The Tallinn-based company is collaborating with the Estonian Defence Forces and armed forces in South and East Asia.

“We also provide services to military partners in India, and are currently involved in a project for Vietnam’s Air Force,” Mooste told the outlet. 

“As there is a growing interest in our service, more projects are underway.”

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