Hensoldt, ERA to Develop Passive Air Surveillance Solution for Germany

The HENSOLDT Twinvis passive radar. Photo: Hensoldt

Hensoldt and aerospace solutions developer ERA have teamed to develop an air surveillance and defense solution for the German Armed Forces.

The firms will jointly offer infrastructure incorporating Hensoldt’s Passive Coherent Location (PCL) Radar Twinvis technology and ERA’s VERA-NG Passive Surveillance System.

Integrating these electronic support measure systems applies continuous detection and tracking of targets at any range without alerting adversaries or neighboring nations due to the absence of transmitted energy.

The combination is expected to give German warfighters a complete air picture and increased situational awareness.

VERA-NG system. Photo: Hensoldt

Response to Recent European Conflicts

According to the companies, the project is in response to lessons gained from recent European conflicts that emphasized the need for cutting-edge capabilities.

“As leaders in our respective fields, Hensoldt and ERA are committed to providing innovative and comprehensive solutions that address the evolving security landscape,” Hensoldt Naval & Ground Radars Head Markus Rothmaier stated.

“Our collaboration is founded on the shared vision of enhancing national security through advanced technologies, and we are confident that our integrated solution will set new benchmarks in passive air surveillance and defence.”

Expanding Passive Surveillance Business

Hensoldt and ERA plan to offer the resulting solution to other European customers once completed, supporting the safety of the region’s airspace and the growing passive surveillance interest across the air defense market.

“We are excited to join forces with HENSOLDT to further pioneer a new era of passive surveillance capabilities by combining our proven passive surveillance system VERA-NG with PCL-Twinvis technology,” ERA CEO Ondrej Chlost stated.

“The integration of our VERA-NG and Passive Radar Twinvis technology not only addresses the current challenges but also prepares us for the future needs of air surveillance and defence.”

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