General Atomics Mojave Drone Demonstrates Dirt Strip Operation

Mojave Short Takeoff and Landing drone. Image: General Atomics Aeronautical Systems

The General Atomics Mojave drone performed takeoffs and landings on a dirt strip for the first time last week.

The flight tests demonstrated the aircraft’s greater versatility, including short takeoffs and landings at 586 feet (179 meters) and 335 feet (102 meters).

“Being able to execute missions in austere locations with runway independence opens the operational envelope for commanders across all services and geographic locations,” General Atomics President David R. Alexander said.

“Mojave can do this while retaining significant advantages in endurance and persistence over Vertical Takeoff and Landing and manned aircraft.”

Mojave Features

The drone has been designed for rapid deployment in forward operations where a typical runway is unavailable.

The platform incorporates the avionics, data links, sensor integration, and laptop ground control station of the General Atomics Gray Eagle 25M.

The aircraft features enlarged wings with high-lift devices, a 450-HP turboprop engine, and ruggedized landing gear.

Greater Payload

The platform can carry up to 16 Hellfire missiles or equivalents — twice that of the MQ-1C Grey Eagle — assorted munitions, launched effects, or logistical resupply pods. 

The Mojave’s multi-sensor suite includes electro-optical/Infrared, a synthetic aperture radar/ground moving target indicator, electronic intelligence, and signals intelligence to support land and maritime operations.

Moreover, the aircraft can be transported on a C-130 Hercules.

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