US Navy’s Anti-Improvised Explosives Technology Achieves Operational Capability

Soldier recovers a radio after disarming an improvised explosive device (IED). Photo: US Air Force

The US Navy announced the full operational capability of its latest electronic warfare solution against improvised explosive devices.

The Joint Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (RCIED) Electronic Warfare (JCREW) consists of mounted, dismounted, and fixed site configurations to protect mobility assets, foot soldiers, and military sites from radio-enabled explosives.

JCREW can be integrated with ground vehicles and carried by personnel as manpack equipment.

The platform can also be installed in temporary, semi-permanent, and permanent locations, including buildings, airfields, compounds, and guard posts.

Maintaining Commitment to Warfighters

JCREW comprises a complete government-owned technical data package, upgradable hardware, software, and its own evaluation system to ensure operational readiness without external test equipment.

Following the program’s success, fleet operators are now being trained to control and sustain the JCREW platform.

In addition, a supply support facility and a government-owned depot were established to execute repairs on the system.

The US Navy, Air Force, New Zealand, and Australia are currently using the JCREW.

“The … program achieving full operational capability shows our commitment to the warfighter, who can now fully employ this technology in multiple domains to counter threats from RCIEDs,” Expeditionary Missions Program Manager Capt. Jon Haase stated.

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