Raytheon UK has selected technology firm Cambridge Pixel to supply a graphical operator interface for its directed-energy weapon demonstrator.
The intuitive user interface will refine the threat level and target classification of the laser weapon.
When the weapon’s 3D radar detects a target, the Cambridge Pixel technology will display graphics showing the location and orientation of the laser effector.
It also allows the operator to enter an indication of damage to the target.
“We have been able to use one of our established security software applications to meet the LDEW (Laser Directed Energy Weapon System)-specific requirements, thus reducing cost, timescales, and risk for our customer,” Cambridge Pixel official Andrew Haylett said.
“Full verification has been achieved using our radar simulator to provide realistic target motion as an input to the tactical display.”
Raytheon’s Laser Weapon
In 2021, Raytheon was awarded a contract to provide a directed-energy weapon demonstrator to the UK Ministry of Defence.
The demonstrator will be used to develop a fully-operational laser weapon, which is considered a key emerging technology for countering hostile drones.
The laser weapon will be mounted on a Wolfhound six-wheeled armored vehicle for a six-month experimentation period with the British Army.
“We’ve all seen that asymmetric threats like drones, rockets, artillery, and mortars are a serious problem, and demand is spiking for cost-effective lasers to defeat them,” Raytheon senior director Michael Hofle explained.