Taiwan Orders Next-Gen Indigenous Frigate Construction for $295 Million

Republic of China (Taiwan) Navy's Cheng-Kung-class frigates. Image: Creative Commons

Taiwan’s Republic of China Navy has contracted Jong Shyn Shipbuilding to build two light frigates for 9.05 billion New Taiwan dollars ($295 million).

The Taiwanese shipbuilder will begin work this month and deliver the vessels by October 2026, multiple Taiwanese outlets reported.

Jong Shyn will build the 2,500-ton vessels for anti-aircraft and anti-submarine warfare and expects to clinch a larger follow-up order of 10 vessels upon passing military tests.

The vessels are likely to feature Lockheed Martin Canada‘s CMS-330 Combat Management System.

Light Frigate Program

The Taiwanese navy planned in 2016 to replace its frigate fleet, comprising three types of vessels, with a single new class of 4,500-ton guided missile frigates, according to Naval News.

However, the plan was suspended in 2021 in favor of a lighter 2,500-ton vessel program.

The navy’s current fleet of 22 frigates weigh between 3,600 tons and 4,200 tons. 

The vessels, called “first-class ships,” are tasked with executing “high-end” combat, according to Naval News.

The new frigates, called “second-class ships,” will act as the navy’s “workhorse” and take over some of the tasks performed by the “first-class ships” such as day-to-day patrols.

The frigates will fill the gap between first and third-class ships, comprising smaller corvettes and missile boats.

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