EDA Launches Automatic Target Recognition Project for EU Militaries
The European Defence Agency (EDA) has launched a 2-million-euro ($2.2 million) project to enhance the target recognition capabilities of partner militaries.
The automatic target/threat recognition, identification, and targeting for land systems (ATRIT) project will develop technologies to assist European forces in detecting, prioritizing, and selecting targets without human aid.
Resulting technologies can be employed with individual weapons or mounted on combat vehicles.
The 18-month effort will be managed under EDA’s Category-B projects that involve co-funding by EU states and partner industries.
Simplifying Sensor Data for Warfighters
Work on the first phase will focus on requirement decisions and architecture design for cross-platform capacity leveraging military target behavior.
It will be followed by a second phase involving the development and testing of physical ATRIT demonstrators.
![Rendering of ATRIT](https://www.thedefensepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/automatic-targeting.jpg)
“The new, improved software will not only have the capacity to better identify and enable automatic targeting, but also fuse different sensor data and make it easy for soldiers to use,” a statement from EDA said.
“ATRIT analysis in the first phase will be based on the following modules: human behavior; 360-degree situation awareness; integration of fused sensor information; target allocation; presentation of fused data, including real-time sensor data, C4I and historical data.”
Germany will manage the initial phase alongside the Netherlands, Poland, Norway, France, and Greece.
German firm Rheinmetall will establish a consortium including Thales, Safran, IABG, ISD SA, TNO, and PCO to complete the work.