UK Tests Drones, Counter-Drones for Modern Warfare

Troops test the abilities of the Hydra XL 300 to evacuate a simulated casualty. Photo: British Army

The British Army has trialed drone capabilities for urban and future warfare at the Army Warfighting Experiment – Urban Series at HM Naval Base Portsmouth.

The event showcases technology innovations for the UK’s Future Soldier, an initiative to bolster the army’s capabilities on the evolving battlefield.

This year’s iteration of the Urban Series showcased the Hydra XL 300, an electric-powered heavy-lift system that can carry up to 120 kilograms (265 pounds) of payload and cover a range of 25 kilometers (16 miles).

To assess the platforms, Hydra and other drone capabilities were deployed in simulations such as carrying blood plasma to injured soldiers and evacuation scenarios.

Alongside drones, the event featured counter-unmanned aerial systems, including the wearable radio frequency detector Wingman and drone jammer Pitbull.

According to the army, the anti-drone platforms can protect dismounted soldiers and maintain stealth against detection and attacks.

British Army Warfighting Experiment

The Army Warfighting Experiment was established to test military solutions already offered by the industry, requiring less funding and offering faster procurement.

It comprises a pitching phase, a basic safety test, and an experimentation phase.

UK forces will utilize the results from the event to identify which capabilities they will invest in and which can be further developed.

“You’ve got American and Dutch soldiers fully integrated in everything we’re doing. We’re all learning from each other,” Experimentation & Trials Group Officer Col. Toby Till said.

“They’ll take back some of the best practices they see and it’s just one of a whole series of multinational experimentation events the British Army is involved with.”

“Anything you see which puts better capability into the hands of our soldiers can only be a good thing.”

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