UAE Leads Multinational Advanced Tactical Leadership Exercise

RAF TyphoonsRAF Typhoons

RAF Typhoons. Photo by: British Royal Air Force

The Emirati Air Force led its biannual training exercise advanced tactical leadership course (ATLC) attended by the air forces of seven other nations at Al Dhafra Air Base in the United Arab Emirates.

The multinational air warfare training was held to increase the collective proficiency of participating countries in joint mission planning and tactical leadership.

Participating air forces also underwent drills that enhance interoperability and collective readiness, enabling them to deter potential threats and adversaries.

“This is the culmination of learning and looking ahead to real world coalition flying,” UAE Brigadier Staff Pilot Khalid Al Marzouqi said.

“Take advantage of working with your course mates and Allies, you have a great opportunity right now to make friends and this is a great strength to know people from the other nations.”

The ATLC brought together 45 aircraft and 500 personnel from the United States, Australian, German, Omani, French, Hellenic, and British Royal Air Forces.

Typhoons, Tornados, F-16s, and Mirage 2000s practiced defensive counter and offensive counter-air and air interdiction maneuvers, “testing the reactions of pilots in a variety of situations,” British Wing Commander John Cockcroft said.

“It is great to be back conducting Advanced Tactical Leadership Course and working and flying alongside our international partners in what will be a fantastic training opportunity.”

“The welcome we have received at Al Dhafra has been second to none and the facilities here will allow us to really make the most of this opportunity. This will be a busy deployment, operating in a high tempo, hot environment but working as a team, the whole detachment will learn a great deal from the Exercise and their time in-country.”

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