Rheinmetall to Upgrade German Navy’s NH90 Helicopter Simulators

NH90 NFH Sea Lion naval helicopter. Photo: Airbus

German defense firm Rheinmetall has been awarded a contract to modernize the German Navy’s NH90 NFH Sea Lion naval helicopter simulators.

The company’s simulation specialists will upgrade the machine’s functional cockpit, which is a part of the maintenance training rig for the NH90 aircraft.

It will also integrate updated software based on the latest configuration of the helicopter to ensure that the behavior of the training equipment is identical to the Sea Lion.

The modernized simulator would also enable Naval Air Squadron 5 personnel to carry out “realistic” maintenance and repair operations.

“Rheinmetall’s outstanding Asterion product range is a dynamic, highly realistic training asset for instructing technical personnel,” the company stated.Rheinmetall thus makes it possible to provide totally realistic training for NH90 ground personnel for German Army and Navy aviation units alike.”

The German firm said the NH90 simulators will be wholly modernized by 2024.

NH90 Sea Lion Helicopter

The NH90 Sea Lion is a twin-engine multirole helicopter capable of detecting, tracking, classifying, and attacking hostile ships.

It is equipped with an avionics bay, tactical coordinator station, sensor operator station, dipping sonar, and sonobuoy launcher.

The helicopter can be fitted with anti-submarine torpedoes, air-to-surface missiles, and air-to-air missiles.

The Sea Lion can perform search and rescue, maritime surveillance and reconnaissance, and transport missions.

The aircraft is operational in 13 countries worldwide.

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